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Support Us

Boston By Foot is grateful for our members, supporters, and volunteers who make it possible for us to fulfill our mission to inspire locals and visitors to discover and appreciate the diverse stories of Boston by exploring the cityscape together. Contributions to our organization provide support and training for our volunteers, and enable us to explore the city with individuals and groups who would not otherwise be able to participate.

Donate Today

Boston By Foot is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by federal law. Tax ID # 04-2639059

Explore Other Ways to Give

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

A gift made in honor of someone is a touching way to recognize an individual and support an organization important to them. Gifts can be made to show appreciation for someone in your life, honor someone’s memory after their death, or to thank a Boston By Foot volunteer. If you have lost a loved one who was connected to Boston By Foot, we’d be honored if you chose to ask friends and family to make a contribution to our organization in their memory.

When you make a tribute gift, you will receive a formal acknowledgement of the gift, and you can request that we notify the individual, or the family of the individual who has been honored or memorialized, with a personal note. Tribute gifts can be made online or by contacting our office.

Matched Gifts

Many employers offer to match their employees’ charitable contributions and an employee benefit. This is a wonderful way to double, or sometimes even triple, your donation to support Boston By Foot and other causes important to you.

Please contact your human resources office to inquire if your employer offers such a program. They will provide you with instructions on how to match your gift. If you require assistance or confirmation of a contribution made to Boston By Foot, please contact our office.


Boston By Foot membership is a great way to support our organization and provide you with benefits, such as free and unlimited access to most of our walking tours. Membership dues are 100% tax deductible and go directly to supporting our programs. Learn more about membership.

Gifts of Stock

Contributions of securities can provide valuable support for Boston By Foot and significant tax benefits for you, the donor. Shares can be transferred electronically by notifying your broker that you wish to make a gift of securities to Boston By Foot. Your broker may need written authorization from you including the name of stock and the number of shares before the transfer can be made. Please contact the Boston By Foot office to notify us about your plans and to receive further instructions on making stock transfers.

IRA Gifts

If you have an IRA and meet age requirements, you may be able to make tax-deductible contributions from your account directly to Boston By Foot. Charitable contributions satisfy required minimum distributions and can provide you with tax savings. Please contact your IRA administrator or Financial Advisor for more information and notify the Boston By Foot about your plans.

Planned Giving

Giving a charitable bequest is an easy way to make a meaningful and lasting contribution to our organization and, in many cases, limit your tax liability. No matter your stage in life or your financial situation, we hope you will consider including a gift to Boston By Foot in your will or living trust.

You can arrange for your bequest to be a certain amount of money or a percentage of your estate. The gift can also be contingent on certain events, and you can make adjustments to your gift at any time. All gifts, large or small, are gratefully accepted and will have a tremendous impact on our organization. To learn more about how to make Boston By Foot part of your legacy, please contact our office.

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