Though Boston By Foot offers a wide range of tours on many different topics, it’s impossible to be an expert in everything. We at BBF are life-long learners and value the experience and skills of our fellow walking tour organizations. Please explore the programs they offer and consider joining them for a tour. If your organization offers regular walking tours in the Boston area and you would like to be listed on this page, please contact us.
Emerald Necklace Conservancy
Boston African American National Historical Park
NPS Rangers offer tours of the Black Heritage Trail in Beacon Hill
Friends of the Public Garden
Chinese Historical Society of New England
CHSNE volunteers offer tours of Boston’s Chinatown
The Esplanade Association
Jamaica Plain Historical Society
JPHS volunteers offer weekly walking tours in different areas of Jamaica Plain
The Greenway
Live Like a Local
Local residents offer tours in Roxbury, Jamaica Plain, and Dorchester
Boston Women's Heritage Trail
BWHT offers tours throughout Boston where women made history