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Meetings & Celebrations

Date Announced for 2019 Annual Awards Reception

Education First Building

The annual Boston By Foot Awards Reception will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm at EF Headquarters, 2 Education Circle, Cambridge, MA 02141.

Boston By Foot is fortunate to have over 200 dedicated volunteers who devote countless hours to creating and leading tours. On November 6th, many well-deserving BBF volunteers will be recognized for their special achievements, including those who gave twenty or more tours this season, retiring committee co-chairs, Flansburgh Travel Fellowship winners, docent emeriti, and more than two dozen guides who have served BBF for five, ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty-five years!

Our service award winners are listed below:

Five years of service: Jeffrey Berman, Dana Bos, Rebecca Camerato, David Coviello, Debra Dellanina-Alvarez, Abhi Gupte, Alison Harvey, Anna King, Billy Lewand, Shawn McGuinness, Elisabeth Piquet, Tracy Vrablik, Joni Youngwirth

Ten years of service: Bob Dermody, Neil Dugas, Charlie Eisenmann, Jean Hunt, Kate Neave, Lynn Smiledge, Frank Vincent

Fifteen years of service: Meredith Anderson, Tom Coppeto, Gene Moulton

Twenty years of service: Liam Sullivan, Nancy White

Twenty-five years of service: Robert Anderson, Christine Shirey

Our awards reception is one of our favorite nights of the year. We are looking forward to sharing this evening of exuberance, gratitude and celebration with the BBF community!

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