Meetings & Celebrations
2024 Annual Awards Reception
Monday, November 25, 2024

On November 12, 2024, dozens of Boston By Foot volunteers made their way to Education First headquarters for our annual Awards Reception. During this evening of joy and festivities, we celebrated many well-deserving Boston By Foot volunteers, including those who gave 20 or more tours this season, retiring committee co-chairs, and nearly a dozen guides who have served BBF for ten, fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years!
The following people were awarded Foot Pins to honor their years as a BBF volunteer:
10-year pin recipients: Uzma Bishop-Burney, Rebecca Camerato, David Coviello, Debra Dellanina-Alvarez, Shawn McGuinness, Elisabeth Piquet
15-year pin recipients: Charlie Eisenmann, Lynn Smiledge
20-year pin recipient: Tom Coppeto
25-year pin recipient: Liam Sullivan
The following volunteers were recognized for giving 20 or more tours:
20 Tours: Rich Abrahams, Tom Coppeto, Marina Kofman
22 Tours: Sally Ebeling, Laurel Perkins
24 Tours: Dan Keating
25 Tours: Liam Sullivan
26 Tours: Sami Alouani
29 Tours: Carl DiMaiti, Michele Steinberg
31 Tours: Martha Vicinus
55 Tours: Bob Perkins
62 Tours: Tom Revay
Four retiring co-chairs were recognized: David Phillips, Academic Affairs Committee; Roseann Evans, Tour Development Committee; Lauren Sterling, Volunteer Experience Committee; and Dennis McCarthy, Virtual Programs Committee. Also recognized were retiring Editorial Board Member Liam Sullivan, and retiring Volunteer Liaison to the Board of Trustees Lauren Sterling.
Boston By Foot established an Emeritus position to honor the contributions of longtime volunteers, enabling them to continue a lifetime connection to the organization after they have decided to end their active involvement.
These seven people have now been elevated to the level of Volunteer Emeriti:
Kate May, Class of 1989
Judy Glock, Class of 2001
Pat Mattheisen, Class of 2006
Christina Randolph, Class of 2007
Mary Margaret Griffin, Class of 2008
Marc Roos, Class of 2009
Martha Felch, Class of 2012
This year, the Boston By Foot Board of Trustees also established a new Trustee Emeritus position. This year we have one Trustee who is rotating off the board after three full terms and is transitioning to Emerita status. We honor and thank Barbara Berenson for her many years of service on the Boston By Foot Board of Trustees.
Three service awards were presented, including two new awards.
Our first new award, the Quick on Your Feet Award, is presented to a volunteer who demonstrates remarkable flexibility and willingness to adapt to new situations. Recipient: Harry Friedman.
Our second new award, the Steps to Inclusion Award, honors a volunteer who has taken exceptional steps to advance Boston By Foot’s IDEA (Inclusion Diversity, Equity and Access) goals and/or help Boston By Foot expand and deepen our community connections. Recipient: Wanli Hu.
And finally, the Steve Kluskens Distinguished Service Award, now named for long-time guide Steve Kluskens who passed away in 2022. The award goes to a volunteer or volunteer(s) who have gone above and beyond to support Boston By Foot, our staff and their fellow volunteers. Recipients: Dan Keating and Lynn Smilege.