Training Announcements
Class of 2017 Commencement is Around the Corner
Monday, April 17, 2017

The 41st entering class of Boston By Foot guides is hard at work during the 2017 Spring Series, learning the various styles of architecture, historical events, and general knowledge that make up a BBF tour. From early Colonial to 20th century Boston, the guides in training have been expanding their knowledge in preparation for the start of the season. All of their hard work will soon come to fruition when Graduation occurs on Sunday, May 7. This longstanding BBF tradition will see the guides in training receive their Boston By Foot pins and become fully fledged tour guides. The ceremony will be held at Old North Church, from 4 to 5 pm and is open to the public. Boston By Foot encourages any community members to come and join us for this joyous event.