Training Announcements
Welcome new guides
2021 BBF Training Program For New Guides
Saturday, April 17, 2021
2021 BBF TRAINING PROGRAM FOR NEW GUIDES A year ago, Boston By Foot's annual training for new guides was canceled at the last minute due to the pandemic. This year, BBF is thrilled to offer our first-ever hybrid training program. Training will find out more
Boston Preservation Alliance Logo
BPA Advocate Certification Training (ACT)
Friday, April 16, 2021
BPA ADVOCATE CERTIFICATION TRAINING (ACT) The Boston Preservation Alliance (BPA) recently offered a special session of their new Advocate Certification Training (ACT) class exclusively for Boston By Foot volunteers. The ACT Class is a four-week class with one class a week. find out more
Tour Guides standing by a sign indoors
Boston By Foot Provides Training to UUUM Youth Guides
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Boston By Foot was recently invited to provide training to the youth tour guides of the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry (UUUM) in Roxbury. On July 17th, BBF Docent Terri Evans led a session on how to craft an engaging tour, and gave practical find out more
tour guide instructor giving lecture
Class of 2019 Guides Begins Training Series
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
The annual Boston By Foot Spring Series training program began on March 23rd, with 31 guides-in-training arriving at the BBF office ready to begin their journey toward becoming tour guides. The morning kicked off with a welcome address delivered by Executive Director Samantha find out more
grand room with people seated watching lecture
New Guides Complete Spring Training Program
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The GITs then got to hear from Dina Vargo, a seasoned BBF guide who spoke about key architectural styles in Boston and also provided anecdotes regarding her own experience in becoming a guide. Dina highlighted the fact that no matter how much the find out more
Interior of the old north church, boston
Class of 2017 Commencement is Around the Corner
Monday, April 17, 2017
The 41st entering class of Boston By Foot guides is hard at work during the 2017 Spring Series, learning the various styles of architecture, historical events, and general knowledge that make up a BBF tour. From early Colonial to 20th century Boston, the find out more