Boston By Foot News
BBF Board Welcomes Three New Trustees
Monday, February 3, 2020
On January 1, 2020, Boston By Foot welcomed three new members to its Board of Trustees:

Susan Cook
Susan studied at Colorado State University where she received a BA in Arts and Humanities with an emphasis in English literature.
Her professional background includes business development, publishing, technical writing, product development, R&D, and consumer relations. Her past achievements include establishing an environmental studies scholarship that currently donates $100,000 a year to people pursing degrees focused on sustainable agriculture. She managed a corporate charitable giving program that benefits women, children and the environment. She has been a business development professional for an engineering firm and is active within the solar industry with professional women’s groups.
Susan grew up in a military family and moved thirteen times in twenty years during her father’s twenty-seven year career as an Air Force officer. She once sang Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 with the Boston Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall, NYC, and the National Anthem on the field at Fenway Park in Boston.

Brenda Martinez
Brenda graduated from Loretto Heights College in 1974 and attended the University of Rochester.
She currently serves as the Chief Strategy and Operations Officer at Accucomp Enterprises. She began her career with Arthur Andersen, being trained to evaluate the adequacy of internal business controls, and has written over 100 policies and procedures for startup organizations up to the Fortune 100 corporations.
Born in Denver, Colorado, she currently resides in Boxboro, Massachusetts.

Pooja Mathur
Pooja is a marketing professional and director of analytics at Merkle.
She has over 10 years of experience in the technology and analytics space focused on designing and delivering analytical solutions in the financial services industry. She holds a Bachelor's in engineering from Mumbai University in India and an MBA in Business Analytics from Bentley University.
When not crunching data, Pooja loves spending time with her four-legged partner in crime Mojo and traveling to new destinations with her husband. Her passion for travel is one of the reasons that has driven her to be part of Boston By Foot. Having lived in the area for a little over a decade, she feels there is still so much more to be learned about this historical city. She is excited to be part of an organization that promotes Boston's rich history and heritage.