Charlie Eisenmann
Charlie Eisenmann and his wife Betsy currently live in Central Massachusetts. They would love to downsize and move into the City over the next couple years. Whether that’s a dream or reality, time will tell!
Where are you from/where do you live?
Grew up in Hingham, Mass. After living out of state for 13 years (Washington, DC, Baltimore, Atlanta), I moved to Shrewsbury which is where my family and I reside today.
How long have you been a BBF guide?
This is my 10th season.
What regular tours do you give for Boston By Foot?
Beacon Hill and Road to Revolution.
What is your current or past career/occupation?
I have been working for Liberty Mutual Insurance for 33 years. My current position is Director of Business Lines distribution in CT, MA and RI. Contrary to popular sentiment, insurance is a great business.
What attracted you to BBF/being a tour guide?
It was a chance to practice my public speaking skills as well as an opportunity to occasionally escape suburbia and enjoy the energy of the city.
What is your favorite tour memory to date?
While stopped in front of the Kevin White statue explaining to my tourees that he was a four-term Mayor of Boston, I turned to continue walking and bumped into Marty Walsh, who stopped for a second to say hello to the group. Former Mayor and current Mayor. Timing is everything.Did you have any background in history/architecture before joining BBF?
I knew nothing, except that City Hall was a weird looking building.

What’s your favorite tour to give and why?
Road to Revolution because it can be told in story-like fashion and most people are extra engaged because they have a baseline understanding. Sometimes too much of an understanding, in the case of a 12-year old studying Revolutionary history at school and was not shy about letting me know if he believed something I said was not “technically” correct.
What’s your favorite building in Boston and why?
200 Clarendon because of its humility. Rather than ask something for itself, it stands there tall and stoically reflecting the beauty of its neighbors.
What is something that tour groups are surprised to learn about Boston or its history?
That the Battle of Bunker Hill was not fought on Bunker Hill.
What is your favorite city to visit besides Boston?
San Diego. Great weather. Great vibe.
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your time at BBF?
As a young adult living in Boston I roamed around oblivious to the rich history and architecture. Now, thanks to Boston By Foot, I see the City through an enriching and exciting lens.
Both of Charlie’s daughters graduated from college this spring (they are not twins), so he was busy with other things. As a result, he is catching up on tours and will be seen often over the next couple months giving Beacon Hill and Road to Revolution tours.