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Road to the Vote: Boston Suffragists

Boston's places, people and protests that helped win the vote for women

Tour Description

The Road to the Vote for national woman suffrage was a long and arduous one. Along the way, countless suffragists, in Boston, and across the nation, organized, wrote, fundraised, marched, picketed, boycotted, and went on hunger strikes to call attention to their cause. Generations of women fought in the struggle, all the while hoping to open minds and move hearts. By the early 20th century women in Boston were being arrested and jailed for their convictions. It was 72 years from Seneca Falls to the time when American women voted in municipal, state and federal elections exercising the right provided to them in the 19th amendment. This tour celebrates the centennial of the ratification of that amendment and highlights the places, people and protests that helped win the vote for women.

This tour was developed by the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail, a group that works to restore women to their rightful place in the history of Boston by uncovering, chronicling, and disseminating information about the women who have made lasting contributions to the City of Boston.

Tour Information

tour duration

90 minutes

tour distance

0.9 mile

tour terrain level 2

potential uneven surfaces and moderate inclines

Public Tour Calendar

Private Tours

This tour can be scheduled as a private tour with advance notice. Call 617.367.2345 or use our private tour webform to learn more.

Starting Location

Meet your guide in front of Faneuil Hall at the Samuel Adams statue

Finding Your Guide: All guides carry an 8×11 sign that says “Boston By Foot Walking Tours.”

Nearest Accessible MBTA Station: State (Blue & Orange Lines)

Ending Location

This tour ends in the general area of the John Adams Courthouse, Pemberton Square.

Nearest Accessible MBTA Station: Government Center (Blue & Green Lines)

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